Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Fishball and Little Hamster

Today is Ball's (fishball) birthday! Happy birthday to her! XD Hope she had a great time and may her wishes come true. Also, keep up the good work in your illustrations and workstuffs. Hope to see more of your work. =)

In the same day, Miz gave birth to a hamster pup. Yes I know it's odd but she only gave birth to ONE pup. Wished Jr was here... The pup has no father. T_T I'm not sure if it's Lil Miz or Lil Jr. It's so pink and sort of scary because it's hairless. O_o But I'm proud of Miz and hope she takes good care of it. ^^ I can only touch the pup in three weeks time.

I know it's boring because I haven't been posting up pictures lately. So here I am doing some assingment-related stuffs in Photoshop and I'll post it up here in this post.


Some shiny pendant thing...

Well it was suppose to be some robotic parts because we were to use it in our assignments. We're required to draw five pictures which are 800 x 600 pixels of robotic stuffs. And this was taught in our tutorial lesson so that we may apply this shiny thing into part(s) of the robot we were asked to draw. Next week our lecturer will teach us how to paint a robot. Wow...

Anyway it's time I resume my assignments. Mindmaps, scripts, ideas, etc... There's a lot of thinking and research to be done. I've to write down my ideas and show it to the lecturer so that I can continue further with my assignments. If not, I feel lost. T_T Well, time to go now! Have a nice day ahead~