Saturday, September 17, 2011

Soap Making Class

Cousin and I went for soap making class yesterday. It was really fun throughout the process and we get to bring our soaps home. These hand made soap will need to wait 45 days till they are ready to use. Can't wait for that day to come~

Here's some photos taken during the working process and some other photos of random stuffs. The captions will tell what is it about.

List of materials.

Main ingredients for the soap.

Heating up the oil.

Time to mix it up!

Taking turns stirring the mixture. It's a really tough job.

Mixture changed into lighter colour.

Our mixture went in there. Hehe...

Well the process is more or less like that. I've not shown much because of copyright issues. People who are interested in hand made soap can check out more information via the internet. There's plenty of information that some people are willing to share.

I still can't wait for 45 days to be over. :3 Am very eager to see how it turns out to be in the end. Have a nice day ahead~

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Crustless Quiche

Me and my cousin made quiche today! It's not really your normal quiche, but one without the pastry or crust. We just made the filling instead.

Here are some photos I manage to snap of the very short quiche-making process:

Stuffs and ingredients used. Some are not shown here.

Liquid quiche goes into the oven!

Looking good.

Awesome when served steaming hot.

It's almost like a cake. Except that it's not sweet. Or maybe a egg-based pizza. It's really good considering our first time making it. :3 It's just less than 8 hours and only 20% of it is left. I'm going to save it for my breakfast tomorrow. Yummy~

Life's good up to this point. I might be on semester break now but will be getting busy soon. So I'll try to blog as much as possible while I'm free and easy. :)

Have a nice day ahead~