Monday, September 21, 2009

R.I.P Yoshito Usui

Do you guys know this character? I bet you do.

Crayon Shin Chan!

I can bet with you, many people knew of Shin Chan, but not the artist who drew this series of manga. Even myself didn't know of the artist's name. Yoshito Usui, the artist of Shin Chan and other manga series passed away just recently on the 11th of September this year. I have a friend who told me about him being lost while hiking in a mountain. He prayed hard that Usui did not die, but in the end he was sadden by the fact that this artist was found but unfortunatly passed away.

It's quite sad that many famous people died at the age of 50 + when they're suppose to enjoy their life at this age. Hope that Yoshito Usui will be remembered forever, and that his manga will be passed down to the younger generations so that they too know about him and his manga series.

Although Shin Chan might be 'perverted' at times, but he and his family brings good humor when one reads it. The art is fairly simple yet easily identified. I am not really a fan of Shin Chan, but I did read the manga when I was younger. It's quite funny and entertaining. XD

Time to finish up my last sentence. Am going to dig out information from the internet so that I can post something up my blog the next time. Have a great day ahead people~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg..i langsung dunno dat he passed away..sad sad sad..although i'm not shin chan's big fan..but as a manga n anime fan..i truly hope yoshito usui sensei can rest in peace..