Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Drawing Class... Using Charcoal Stick

Today we had drawing class, and it's time to use a new media called 'the charcoal'. Before that, we were using pencils of different value to draw and shade. After that we had our drawing test last wednesday and for this week, it's time to learn something new! XD Excited aren't we? NOT!

As you all know, Miz suppose... Charcoal is the black stuff where your grandparents and ancestors use it for cooking food or boiling water. Charcoal can be found in places where there is satay being sold. (You all know that don't you? O_o) So in today's class we're suppose to draw using charcoal sticks of different sizes and types. And! Charcoal ain't cheap you know! For a set of three charcoal sticks (Thin charcoal stick, medium charcoal and soft charcoal) and a sugar paper, it costs Rm11. T_T Miz's money just flew away because of this... Then... The lecturer and tutor did a little demonstration to show us how to use it. After that, we're on our own~

This is Miz's drawing class lecturer, Jun Mei. (Obviously, she's the one doing the drawing. @_@)

Here here! Miz's drawing of still life using charcoal! Miz needs to improve it... T_T See the charcoal sticks?

Since Miz has nothing more to say about it, Miz will end today's post here. Very tired after all the drawing... >_< Credits are given to arachi for snapping the pictures. ^^ Have a nice day to all readers of Miz's blog~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.