Friday, March 27, 2009

Some Freedom At Last

Finally, we've finished the History of Art's final project. Did all the installation today and was happy about it. It took us weeks, maybe more than a month to complete this although it was (Or might be...) considered quite a last minute job.

Overall I'm satisfied about it, although there were some last minute problems that occured. It wasn't that serious and was managed to be solved. Took nearly a whole day (Or maybe just half a day) to finish everything. I'm happy about it as I can take a short break for the moment. I've only slept less than five hours for the past two weeks or so because of this and other subject's assignments. I wish I had more time to do my assignments, and not procrastinating so much. I know it's hard not to do that but I'll have to try hard for the sake of getting my break earlier.

Been having a hard time. I guess all my other friends are just the same. Good luck to everyone else for their works. Let's all work hard now as the semester break if just ahead. We can do it! Yeah I wish the semester break was longer though...

Let's list out my roles and work left for me to do so that I can concentrate on it and finish it early. Our major subjects we need to focus on now is: Design 3's drama, Calligraphy class and Moral class's final exam. For Design 3, I'm being the stage manager for the drama part. It's like being the secretary for our director. ^^ I have to manage almost everything involved in the drama. Taking care of the props and actors, list down inportant notes in class and making some sort of timetable for my group's people and make sure they do their job and their roles. Lots of things to do, but I hope I can cope up with it. Oh, not forgetting being the lighting designer or whatever you call that. Basically I just need to adjust and control the lightings used for our drama. For the title sequence part, I'm being the researcher. It's almost like a second stage manager, or rather, it's like a manager. I need to compile stuffs and help on research, if any. At the end, I'll also have to choose the title sequence I think best goes with our drama. Cool roles I have ain't it? I hope I can make it or stay alive. I need to wait for the semester break to come before I can die.

Calligraphy subject... It's not really easy as well, I can assure you this. We need to design our own set of letterforms, from A-Z and 0-9, plus comma (,) and fullstop (.) too. We need to think of what and where we want to apply our fonts. For me, I think either invitation cards or gift wrapper. The lecturer says maybe gift wrappers will be interestinng, but I need to come out with a few designs. GREAT! Something I thought is simple turns out worse. For your information, few designs are more than enough to kill.

Lastly, Moral... Don't feel like talking about this as I think all or most of us will have to go through this subject. This time I really need to study... I've been counting on my luck for the second test and I don't wanna waste more of my luck on the final exam. Been answering the questions in wild guesses, and depending on my luck, I may succeed to get some correct. But of cause there's some questions that I studied and remember, unfortunately it's only less than ten questions. At least I know I won't score a '0' for that. XD I'm counting on my luck again to pass this subject. I don't want to go back to PAWS although I like it there.

There goes my post for today. I've been writing a lot and I don't think anyone will bother to read about this. I know it's too long and very boring. I shall end it here then. Hava a great day ahead people~


Unknown said...

hai~gambatte kudasai,chi jiang.

Mizuko Yuki said...

anata mo, chi~