Saturday, October 11, 2008

Melaka Trip Adventure, Finally!

Been procrastinating too much. It's been almost a month and a half since Miz and Fion went to Melaka to visit our friends. @_@ Well, Miz won't be saying too much today. Will let the pictures do the talking~

Food and Scene Section:

Ingredients of the popiah. Prepared by Li Lian and her mom.


... And the chicken rice balls.

William's tea. Look! They have hourglass~ That thing at the side of the glass is to filter the tea leaves.

Light poles in the night at the Melaka River.

Miz likes this tree~ And the view itself. With Li Lian as part of the background. ^^

It's the History, Ethnography and Literature Museum.

STADTHUYS. Which means "state goverment office" in Holland.

Clock Tower at Dutch Square.

Roundabout. Was it spelled like that? O_o

Legendary Queen Victoria's Fountain!

Queen Victoria's side view sculpture on the fountain.

Melaka Church.

Pictures with people:

When eating satay celup. Yum~ (arachi is a vegetarian by the way...)

Night scene pictures at the side of the Melaka River.

William and Yohji. =)

Yohji's mom joined us for photo taking sessions as well. ^^

Front view.

Fion is brave enough to upset that guy... O_o (Joking. XD)

See them examining the bottom of the train...

They wanted to show how fascinating the airplane is, but the place also stink, as in smells...

arachi running across the spinning Li Lian. =P

Li Lian's spin of 360 degrees~








Spotted Li Lian as part of the background!

Miz and Fion's friends and tour guides of Melaka. XD Notice their clothings... White & black, black & white. (Except arachi.)

Group picture under the tree.

Another group picture.

Standing near the fountain~

That's not all for the trip. There's more pictures but Miz guess Miz isn't able to post everything up here. Bet it's a very long post already. Hope arachi is satisfied that Miz finally posted the Melaka trip up here. XD Have fun looking at the pictures and see you all again~


Unknown said...

finally u post it...

spin until my head pening already.

Mizuko Yuki said...

haha... not my fault la. it's nice seeing the spinning pic. XD