Friday, May 16, 2008


Looks like a family portrait? (Obviously not... =_= Although it looks a little like it...) Or close friends? Well, I don't know what you call them either. ^^ Scroll down for more details about them. =)

Before I explain or talk about what vocaloid is, let me just hand you this little site worth looking. You may get a better picture or understand what it is. ~click here for site~ Here... After seing and reading about it, I guess you might be interested in it. ^^ (By the way, I suck at explaining things. T_T People often will go "Eh? what're you talking about?" when I explain something.)

These are the japanese vocaloids. From the upper left row, meet vocaloid Miku, vocaloid Meiko and vocaloid Kaito. The lower row, are twins vocaloid Kagamine Rin and Len. Ain't they just sweet? I love them. Don't you? O_o So anyway... I think you already know what they are. Pretty amazing what technology can do these days... ^^

You can find some video and sample music from Youtube related to these vocaloids and also the English vocaloids. Some of them are pretty nice songs. XD I'm addicted to it recently although it has been released quite some time ago. Yes I agree that they make songs not so original anymore, but some songs are sung better than the original versions. =P Some are quite funny as some songs they sing are English songs but they sing it with japanese accent. Kawaii~ XD

Ok... This is what I wanna introduce to the world and fellow readers of my blog today. (Those who don't know about it...) Will find something interesting to blog about the next time. (hopefully... =P) I'm so tired now all I wanna do is jump on my bed and go to sleep. =.= zzZZ Good night all readers~ Have a nice day ahead. ^^

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