I have no other words to describe how I feel. It's just that, I feel that time passes so quickly and it's only two weeks left to our assignment submission. T_T Damn...
First assignment - website design. It's freestyle, which makes it harder for us as the scope is so wide we need time to choose something we like. I prefered if we were given a category. I was doing something about my imaginary world, and it's related to colours and moods. Then, I realised that we need to add in interactivity, not just simple clicks. Damn...
Second assignment - media cultures and histories essay, plus I-map. It's a 3000 word essay, plus another 500 words in the I-map. Also, we are to prepare and update a media folder which consist of personal data, collection of images and researches, opinions from the public or friends, and some other random things. It's not as easy as you think. The titles are already a burden although there are ten choices to choose from, but all are equally hard to understand. Oh but this is to be submitted in September. Still, the time isn't that long. Damn...
Third assignment - group short video production. We need to write scripts and our story has minor problems but we're trying to solve it. We also need to start production early because I'm afraid that we won't have lots of time to work on this as we have other assignments. And we also need to draw a storyboard for the video and set up things such as lighting equipments. Damn...
Forth assignment - my positronic visions. What does it means? It means... Draw yourself as a robot and how you see the world through your eyes. But it has to be a third person view and needs to have continuity to it. Complicated enough to understand? Well, it is. Even I don't really understand it but I think it's the simplest way to explain it. Sounds difficult even for one piece of illustration? We need five illustrations. Does it sound more difficult? Yes. Damn...
Fifth assigment - none. Well not really none, but it's just an extra subject to enhance our knowledge. It's about typography. We need to do lots of researches about it. I'm not sure if we would have any work to bring home. I hope there won't be though. Damn...
Enough of those damns. I need to start doing some research and doodle any idea I can think of. Have a nice day ahead people~ Wish me luck. XD
yuki my dear..
that's a lot of assignments><
and it really sounds tough..
If i were u..
i feel like dying..
Gambateh to u~ U sure can do it!
thanks aki XD I'm kind of used to the amount edi. not to worry
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