Sunday, February 22, 2009


Went to Italliannies with some classmates some very long time ago. Forgot to post about this as I received the pictures late.

The bread. After I went home and told my mom about it, apparently she says that we can refill the bread again if we want. I didn't know that...

The mushroom soup! We came here just for this anyway. It's something mushroom soup lovers should try. Delicious~

The pizza. Was nice as well. ^^

Ok end of story for today. Nothing much else to post anyway. Credis are given to arachi once again for the pictures. ^^ Have a good day people~


Unknown said...

there's a mistakes on "We can here just for this anyway."

anyway, bravo for mushroom soup and gambatte~

Mizuko Yuki said...

chi your eyes so sharp. O_o