Time passes by really quicky. It has been already a week of the third semester. I'm still alive! =D I should be anyway. =_= Felt that the workload really did increase and same goes to the difficulty level of our assigments and projects.
Had rather interesting classes, but doesn't really involve a lot of drawing. As in, not drawing any objects and not so colourful anymore. It's more to designing things and role playing kindda stuffs. I HATE ROLE PLAYING! T_T Lots of individual work as well as group or team work. ^^ More of doing researching as well. Damn...
Also, I needed to get some digital tools such as a laptop or digital camera. Laptop is needed for sure but I'm not sure when I'd wanna buy it. Maybe after I get my ang paos... =P Or look for a kind sponsor~ XD Lots of other stuffs yet to be bought. I hope I don't have to spend as much of drawing tools as compared to the previous two semesters.
More of going outdoors now! O_o Although I don't really like being outside... But if group work is involved then I've no choice. (Like I have any in the first place!) Need to stay back more often for discussions, and birthday celebrations or special occasions~ ^^ I also hope that I can finish my assignments in time. I'm one of those last-minute-work person.
Ok I think this post is actually long and boring enough for you guys, and even myself. =.= I'll post something more interesting later on. Have a good day people~
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