Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday William~~!!

Today, the 4th of August, is William's 19th birthday. (Wow he's getting older day by day now... XD just joking.) Anyway our classmates plan to celebrate with him in Sunway Lagoon. Gosh... Miz thought we'll be having only cakes and stuff...

More than half a class (15 of us.) went there after class is over. It was unusually early... Almost an hour earlier than the normal time. Miz wonder what had happened...? O_o So anyway back to the topic... Since we have our ID tags, entrance fee is free of charge! YOU HEAR ME!? FREE OF CHARGE!!! Lol... This is one of our college facilities. Pretty cool ain't it? But we're required to pay a minimum fee of Rm10 deposit for the watch tag stuff to get in. after we return the thing then we'll get our deposits back. ^^

Well, we had pretty much fun there~ Rode the roller coasters and the... Miz's not sure what you call that... =_= But we got wet... For some reason it wasn't really that bad... ^^ Ok now Miz will pass the talkings to the pictures arachi snapped! Hooray~~ XD Oh yeah... When we're playing half way, Stezon came and joined us. The more the merrier!


At the entrance...

Birthday boy, Fion and Wan Kee.

Arachi wanted to look at himself through the sunglasses on birthday boy... (The sunglasses belong to Wan Kee. =P)


In Sunway Lagoon...

Birthday boy and JC.

Fear our feets! XD (Secret... Not telling who's feets are those...)

Group picture. ^^

Group picture - Lots of poses...

Finally, some entertainment from the guys... Fuyoh~


At Sunway Pyramid...

Ate our lunch here after being satisfied playing... The guys wanted pose with the Ronald McDonald... Lol. O_O Look at them...

Birthday boy getting all excited seeing his cake arrive. (After we're done with lunch we went elsewhere got get the cake.)

Just look at how happy he is... ^^

That's all for the day. Miz went home after eating the cake. Was a pretty tiring day though... Miz don't feel like doing any work today. T_T Miz is NOT procrastinating... Miz is just very tired. Need to sleep early as there'll be an IELTS English test tomorrow. Miz's scared... So Miz will end the post now. Credits are given to arachi for the photos. Thanks so much~ Have a good day ahead all and hope to see you all again soon!

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