Sunday, July 27, 2008

Figure Studies... This is What We Studied

For last friday's (The day before yesterday...) figure studies class, Miz and friends were required to draw this head as shown below.

It seems kindda scary ain't it? Anyway an interesting point about this head... Study it carefully. Does it seem like a male or a female to you? As for Miz, Miz thinks it's a guy. BUT! Look again carefully... Doesn't it seem more like a female now? Miz is gonna laugh till Miz drop dead. Let Miz tell you all the story when we were drawing this mysterious looking bisexual head... XD

A group of us surrounded the head. With our drawing boards and artblock ready, we started to sketch the outline of it. Miz drew the centre view of the head but slightly to the right. (From here it's the darker part... Since Miz is in the other side.) While we were half done, we looked at each other's work. The people on the left side view drew it like a tortoise. (From Kung Fu Panda. XD) The people of the 3/4 angle view from the left drew like males and pope. The people who drew the 3/4 angle from the right drew them like "ah ma" (Which means grandma.). Miz drew like a male, which also looks SO much like the president from Mount Rushmore. Miz was shocked... O_o

Anyway, when we're almost done, the lecturer was walking past and one of Miz's friend asked him if it was a guy or girl... As you know, some drew it like a guy and some like a girl. Then, while looking through our drawings, the lecturer then replied: "It is an old MAN." Most of us went... O_O Oh my God is it really true?! Anyway just in case you don't notice, there's head band on top of the head. That's why the people who drew it like "ah ma" showed us proof that it's female. Such a confusing thing... @_@

So yeah anyway that's about it for the story. Miz forgot to take a picture of the drawing. T_T Credits are given to arachi for snapping this picture once again. He's a good photographer... He says he can't stand not taking a photo in a day. Lol... Well then that's all for today. Have a wonderful day ahead to all of you~ ^^ Miz looks forward to seeing you all again!

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