Sweet Old Memories~
I strongly believe that everyone has some past memories that they cannot forget, may it be pleasant and sweet ones, or sad and haunting memories. But one thing I know for sure is that many people will tend to forget most of the sad moments and remember the happy ones. =)
I still remember the times when I was in kindergarden, followed by the time when I was in primary school, then continue going to secondary school, and lastly the present times in college. Although I don't remember every moment of it, but there's some times where I recall certain memories at random times. =D Some sweet, some bitter... But they're still memories of the past, you can't change it no matter how much you want to because you've been through it and only you know about it.
As you can all see in the picture above, it's one of the screenshot taken by me when I was still playing the online game called Perfect World. Guess which one is me (in game)? Haha... I'm the one on the right. Pretty right? Lol... =_=; On the left is my god brother (not blood relate. We just know each other in game) who lives at the other side of the world - Netherlands. Yes I know why you may ask why I said 'brother'... Because...! He's a guy in real life but playing as a female character in game. Funny eh? I kindda feel strange calling him 'brother' in game... (private chat though... =P not revealing it to everyone.) We were in the same guild - Imperial. Then some things just happen... (OWH...~~!!! O_O) I went to college! And yes since I enter college, I've been busy everyday. I mean EVERYDAY!!! Since then I did not touch the game at all... T_T Sobs... I miss my guild people... I miss my brother... I miss everything about it. Whenever I think of it, I wanna and feel like crying. It's true! I'm in love with this game. It's been more than a month since I've last played it. I wonder how's everyone doing in there... I think I may have to quit the game once and for all. >_< WA....~~~!!! T_T
Ok so this is part of my past memory although it's onsidered quite recent. And for now, I'll end my post already. I need to get some shut eye.... Assignments are killing me not to mention they're those art and design work. Requires you to stay till midnight or later. O_o So before I end my post, I'd like to advise all of you readers of my blog... Treasure your memories no matter how important they are. Imagine us not having memories at all...Wouldn't it be scary? Lol. So please do so, and you can improve in life and from your past mistakes. That's all for this post. Thank you for reading and have a nice day ahead~ ^^
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